How to teach your cat to dance and spinning?

How to teach your cat to dance and spinning?

Train your cat to dance

As we have seen in the previous articles in this section, some of cats’ behaviours need training to make their nature fits better the domestic life. Sometimes, however, cats have the potential to turn their usual exercise to some entertainment to amuse us when we think only human can do. Dancing is one of them! In the following, we are going to see how cats’ artistic and entertaining potential can be realized through training.

Before we go on, we have to be prepared that we need some patience and time to train cats to dance because cats dance is itself a little tricky activity for cats, and cats are generally more difficult to condition than dogs. If we think that all is for fun and for the stronger bond between us and the cats, our patience and time will have its surprising reward.

Another thing we need to bear in mind is that cats’ food is a very good incentive and motivator for cats to follow our moves and learn to dance. If you think you guess the reason behind, read on and you will find more.

Now, if you’re ready, let us go!

Bipedal Position – Bipedal position is a basic position in dancing. How can we get the cats to stand with two legs? The answer is cats’ food. There is perhaps no better way to motivate cats to stand on their back legs unless we hold some cat treat above them, around three to five inches above their heads, for instance. As expected, the cats will try to pick the food from us by batting our hands. What we will do is to keep dangling the food to keep the cats standing and, if possible, even walking.

Especially at the starting stage, we try to keep the cats to stand on two back legs as long as they can hold. We can say “stand” with our cats’ food dangling high when the cats stand still with the front legs trying to catch the food. It is understandable for the cats to reach their limit and fall down a while they “stand up” with two legs.

When they fall, we can praise them with such simple phrases as “good cat”, “good boy”, or “good girl”, and give them the food as rewards and gently batting their head. They would sense the warm and enjoyment.

Once we find the cats start to stand quite steadily and hold for quite some time, we can go on to the next level by moving our hands to the left or to the right for the cats to follow. We may want to add the words “right” or “left” to our actions for the cats to be familiar with the act, but it is optional. At first they may need to learn to balance and fall down before they “stand up” again, but once they master this action, the move can be very appealing and interesting.

Just do not forget one thing: reward them with the food and praise them once they make a move successfully. This encourages them to repeat the move and make it stronger.

A harder bipedal movement is spinning. We can do this by twirling the food in the air above them. They will follow by spinning their bodies and try to get the food. They may be “tired” quickly and fall down before they jump again and keep spinning. After a few falls, we can praise them and reward them with the food.

We should note, however, that we should neither make them move too much or treat them too much food. Moving too much would wear them out, and treating them too much food would make them undesirably fat. We want neither case to happen.

Whether it is standing, walking, turning or spinning, try this more and the cats will gradually be used to our words and stand longer and longer. But always remember. It takes time. It is easier to be said than done. But it is possible.

After all, we are simply playing with the cats. That is the core of the matter. It does not matter if the cats learn it correctly or master the positions perfectly. We are not training the cats to make performance or to compete or to show off. We are just having fun in the process, and by doing so, we are already enjoying the quality time with them.

As mentioned in “Train your cat for normal daily habits“, if we find our cats too active at night, perhaps we can consider this as a day-time activity for them, as well as for us.

Written by

As cat lovers, I am so enjoyable to be with cats, so In this blog I share with you about some major aspects of cats, including their health, their behaviors, how to train cats for daily living, and of course, how to have fun with cats.

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Cat & Pet

As cat lovers, I am so enjoyable to be with cats, so In this blog I share with you about some major aspects of cats, including their health, their behaviors. And I also talk about how to train cats for daily living, and of course, how to have fun with cats.

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