Steps to groom and trim your cat’s hair

Steps to groom and trim your cat’s hair

Cats’ hair is the outmost and the largest area we see the cats at any moment. Hair is also the area that can be dirty easily because of its direct contact with the environment. Apart from cats’ habitual grooming, we need some extra care to maintain the neatness and cleanliness of cats’ hair.

We will focus on a few daily basic cares for cats’ hair, namely combing (or brushing), and trimming.

Combing/Brushing Cats’ Hair

As in humans, it is natural for cats to shed dead hair from their bodies as a result of metabolism. If possible, it is ideal to start combing/brushing cats when they are as young as kittens because the young the cats, the more tolerant they can be for combing/brushing.

Actually, we can help control hair shedding by brushing the cats as often as possible everyday. In so doing, we are actually helping the cats as well as ourselves. The habit not only keeps cats’ fur in excellent condition all the time, as well as promoting blood circulation, but also reduces or even prevents shedding on the furniture.

Combing or brushing seems to be a simple process, and it is. It is, however, essential to choose the right comb or brush. First and foremost, the comb or brush should be easy to grip.

If the cats are short-haired, it is better to use a soft brush, or rubber- or nylon-toothed brush to avoid irritating cats’ skin. We should also check that the brush contain soft bristles so that they would not scratch the cats’ skin.

In case the cats are medium and long-haired, we should choose rubber-toothed brushes as they work well to remove loose fur during combing.

For long-haired cats, we should use combs as they are more effective in picking up the hair close to the scalp while getting down to the root at the same time. Wide-toothed and narrow-toothed combs are both needed in that the wide one is used first to remove loose fur before the narrow-toothed comb is used to comb hair more delicately.

Before we start combing/brushing, find a comfortable area for the cats to lie down to be combed/brushed for about 10 minutes. Also clip the cats’ nails beforehand to prevent them from any possible scratching in case they feel uneasy being combed/brushed.

We should start the combing/brushing process by wetting the comb with cold water. This helps the fur to stick to the comb/brush more effectively. in cold weather, it is especially useful to avoid static electric charge from complicating the combing/brushing process, which may also add discomfort to the cats.

Try to brush/comb different parts of their bodies, including the back and stomach.

When combing/brushing, we should avoid forcing a comb/brush through the hair mat because it will hurt the cats. Instead, pause the combing/brushing and cut the mat into little pieces and comb through it with our fingers and/or the combs.

When the brush is full of hair, empty the brush into the trash can or rubbish bin before resuming the brushing or finishing.

Trimming Long-haired Cats

Long-haired cats would look beautiful if the hair is well maintained. However, the long hair can become matted messes if it is not taken care of. Also, the hair grows at different speed and the unevenness may not look good as a whole. Therefore, regular trimming is needed to preserved neat and good looking long hair.

We need sharp scissors (it is even better if the scissors are for hair-cutting), a trimmer, towels, and if necessary, a prescription from the veterinarians.

As in combing/brushing, it is best if we can start trimming the cats when they are kittens. Usually, teaching them to sit still when we trim their claws and give them a bath will be good start for them to have their first trim. In case they are not stable and fight for this, try to consult veterinarians and get some tranquilizers if necessary. Cats can get hurt easily when they are scared and run away in the middle of the trimming process.

We start by trimming with scissors for all the places where the trimmers cannot get close enough. Cut the long hairs around the ears by cutting a little at a time near the inner opening of the ears. Also trim the long hair around their anus to keep it clean.

If the cats are female, we may need to trim around each nipple and vulva if she is about to have kittens soon. This would prevent any infection during birth and help the newborn kittens to locate their milk source.

In case any mat is found in the fur, always cut out with scissors. Using trimmers in the mat area would only make a mess.

Use the trimmers for the cats’ body from the neck to the base of the tail. Before using the trimmers, turn them on for a moment and see the kittens’ reaction. If necessary, wait for a moment before they settle down with the loud engine noise. At this point, some cats may need tranquilizer to sit still enough to be safely trimmed.

When trimming the tail, it is good to lay the kitten down first on a towel to prevent mess formation later. Start with the base of the tail. Trim a little at a time to avoid going too deep to the skin, especially when the fur is sometimes thick.

When it comes to the head of the cats, we should be extraordinary careful to keep the hair long and avoid shaving and cutting the facial hair. Only trim the longest hair on the head.

Written by

As cat lovers, I am so enjoyable to be with cats, so In this blog I share with you about some major aspects of cats, including their health, their behaviors, how to train cats for daily living, and of course, how to have fun with cats.

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Cat & Pet

As cat lovers, I am so enjoyable to be with cats, so In this blog I share with you about some major aspects of cats, including their health, their behaviors. And I also talk about how to train cats for daily living, and of course, how to have fun with cats.

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